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Debugging a script

These few lines are not intended as a full-fledged debugging tutorial, but as hints and comments about debugging a Bash script.

Use a unique name for your script

Do not name your script test, for example! Why? test is the name of a UNIX(r)-command, and most likely built into your shell (it's a built-in in Bash) - so you won't be able to run a script with the name test in a normal way.

Don't laugh! This is a classic mistake :-)

Read the error messages

Many people come into IRC and ask something like "Why does my script fail? I get an error!". And when you ask them what the error message is, they don't even know. Beautiful.

Reading and interpreting error messages is 50% of your job as debugger! Error messages actually mean something. At the very least, they can give you hints as to where to start debugging. READ YOUR ERROR MESSAGES!

You may ask yourself why is this mentioned as debugging tip? Well, you would be surprised how many shell users ignore the text of error messages! When I find some time, I'll paste 2 or 3 IRC log-snips here, just to show you that annoying fact.

Use a good editor

Your choice of editor is a matter of personal preference, but one with Bash syntax highlighting is highly recommended! Syntax highlighting helps you see (you guessed it) syntax errors, such as unclosed quotes and braces, typos, etc.

From my personal experience, I can suggest vim or GNU emacs.

Write logfiles

For more complex scripts, it's useful to write to a log file, or to the system log. Nobody can debug your script without knowing what actually happened and what went wrong.

An available syslog interface is logger (online manpage).

Inject debugging code

Insert echos everywhere you can, and print to stderr:

echo "DEBUG: current i=$i" >&2

If you read input from anywhere, such as a file or command substitution, print the debug output with literal quotes, to see leading and trailing spaces!

echo "DEBUG: read from file: pid=\"$pid\"" >&2

Bash's printf command has the %q format, which is handy for verifying whether strings are what they appear to be.

foo=$(< inputfile)
printf "DEBUG: foo is |%q|\n" "$foo" >&2
# exposes whitespace (such as CRs, see below) and non-printing characters

Use shell debug output

There are two useful debug outputs for that task (both are written to stderr):

  • set -v mode (set -o verbose)
    • print commands to be executed to stderr as if they were read from input (script file or keyboard)
    • print everything before any (substitution and expansion, ...) is applied
  • set -x mode (set -o xtrace)
    • print everything as if it were executed, after substitution and expansion is applied
    • indicate the depth-level of the subshell (by default by prefixing a + (plus) sign to the displayed command)
    • indicate the recognized words after word splitting by marking them like 'x y'
    • in shell version 4.1, this debug output can be printed to a configurable file descriptor, rather than sdtout by setting the BASH_XTRACEFD variable.

Hint: These modes can be entered when calling Bash:

  • from commandline: bash -vx ./myscript
  • from shebang (OS dependant): #!/bin/bash -vx

Simple example of how to interpret xtrace output

Here's a simple command (a string comparison using the classic test command) executed while in set -x mode:

set -x
foo="bar baz"
[ $foo = test ]

That fails. Why? Let's see the xtrace output:

+ '[' bar baz = test ']'

And now you see that it's ("bar" and "baz") recognized as two separate words (which you would have realized if you READ THE ERROR MESSAGES ;) ). Let's check it...

# next try
[ "$foo" = test ]

xtrace now gives

+ '[' 'bar baz' = test ']'
      ^       ^
    word markers!

Making xtrace more useful

(by AnMaster)

xtrace output would be more useful if it contained source file and line number. Add this assignment PS4 at the beginning of your script to enable the inclusion of that information:

export PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE}:${LINENO}): ${FUNCNAME[0]:+${FUNCNAME[0]}(): }'

Be sure to use single quotes here!

The output would look like this when you trace code outside a function:

+(somefile.bash:412): echo 'Hello world'

...and like this when you trace code inside a function:

+(somefile.bash:412): myfunc(): echo 'Hello world'

That helps a lot when the script is long, or when the main script sources many other files.

Set flag variables with descriptive words

If you test variables that flag the state of options, such as with if [[ -n $option ]];, consider using descriptive words rather than short codes, such as 0, 1, Y, N, because xtrace will show [[ -n word ]] rather than [[ -n 1 ]] when the option is set.

Debugging commands depending on a set variable

For general debugging purposes you can also define a function and a variable to use:

debugme() {
 [[ $script_debug = 1 ]] && "$@" || :
 # be sure to append || : or || true here or use return 0, since the return code
 # of this function should always be 0 to not influence anything else with an unwanted
 # "false" return code (for example the script's exit code if this function is used
 # as the very last command in the script)

This function does nothing when script_debug is unset or empty, but it executes the given parameters as commands when script_debug is set. Use it like this:

# to turn it off, set script_debug=0

debugme logger "Sorting the database"
debugme logger "Finished sorting the database, exit code $?"

Of course this can be used to execute something other than echo during debugging:

debugme set -x
# ... some code ...
debugme set +x

Dry-run STDIN driven commands

Imagine you have a script that runs FTP commands using the standard FTP client:

ftp user@host <<FTP
cd /data
get current.log
dele current.log

A method to dry-run this with debug output is:

if [[ $DRY_RUN = yes ]]; then
  sed 's/^/DRY_RUN FTP: /'
  ftp user@host
fi <<FTP
cd /data
get current.log
dele current.log

This can be wrapped in a shell function for more readable code.

Common error messages

Unexpected end of file line 100: syntax error: unexpected end of file

Usually indicates exactly what it says: An unexpected end of file. It's unexpected because Bash waits for the closing of a compound command:

  • did you close your do with a done?
  • did you close your if with a fi?
  • did you close your case with a esac?
  • did you close your { with a }?
  • did you close your ( with a )?

Note: It seems that here-documents (tested on versions 1.14.7, 2.05b, 3.1.17 and 4.0) are correctly terminated when there is an EOF before the end-of-here-document tag (see redirection). The reason is unknown, but it seems to be deliberate. Bash 4.0 added an extra message for this: warning: here-document at line <N> delimited by end-of-file (wanted `<MARKER>')

Unexpected end of file while looking for matching ... line 50: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' line 100: syntax error: unexpected end of file

This one indicates the double-quote opened in line 50 does not have a matching closing quote.

These unmatched errors occur with:

Too many arguments

bash: test: too many arguments

You most likely forgot to quote a variable expansion somewhere. See the example for xtrace output from above. External commands may display such an error message though in our example, it was the internal test-command that yielded the error.

!": event not found

$ echo "Hello world!"
bash: !": event not found

This is not an error per se. It happens in interactive shells, when the C-Shell-styled history expansion ("!searchword") is enabled. This is the default. Disable it like this:

set +H
# or
set +o histexpand

syntax error near unexpected token `('

When this happens during a script function definition or on the commandline, e.g.

$ foo () { echo "Hello world"; }
bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('

you most likely have an alias defined with the same name as the function (here: foo). Alias expansion happens before the real language interpretion, thus the alias is expanded and makes your function definition invalid.

The CRLF issue

What is the CRLF issue?

There's a big difference in the way that UNIX(r) and Microsoft(r) (and possibly others) handle the line endings of plain text files. The difference lies in the use of the CR (Carriage Return) and LF (Line Feed) characters.

  • MSDOS uses: \r\n (ASCII CR #13 ^M, ASCII LF #10)
  • UNIX(r) uses: \n (ASCII LF #10)

Keep in mind your script is a plain text file, and the CR character means nothing special to UNIX(r) - it is treated like any other character. If it's printed to your terminal, a carriage return will effectively place the cursor at the beginning of the current line. This can cause much confusion and many headaches, since lines containing CRs are not what they appear to be when printed. In summary, CRs are a pain.

How did a CR end up in my file?

Some possible sources of CRs:

  • a DOS/Windows text editor
  • a UNIX(r) text editor that is "too smart" when determining the file content type (and thinks "it's a DOS text file")
  • a direct copy and paste from certain webpages (some pastebins are known for this)

Why do CRs hurt?

CRs can be a nuisance in various ways. They are especially bad when present in the shebang/interpreter specified with #! in the very first line of a script. Consider the following script, written with a Windows(r) text editor (^M is a symbolic representation of the CR carriage return character!):

echo "Hello world"^M

Here's what happens because of the #!/bin/bash^M in our shebang:

  • the file /bin/bash^M doesn't exist (hopefully)
  • So Bash prints an error message which (depending on the terminal, the Bash version, or custom patches!) may or may not expose the problem.
  • the script can't be executed

The error message can vary. If you're lucky, you'll get:

bash: ./ /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

which alerts you to the CR. But you may also get the following:

: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

Why? Because when printed literally, the ^M makes the cursor go back to the beginning of the line. The whole error message is printed, but you see only part of it!

| ⚠️ It's easy to imagine the ^M is bad in other places too. If you get weird and illogical messages from your script, rule out the possibility that^M is involved. Find and eliminate it! | | --- |

How can I find and eliminate them?

To display CRs (these are only a few examples)

  • in VI/VIM: :set list
  • with cat(1): cat -v FILE

To eliminate them (only a few examples)

  • blindly with tr(1): tr -d '\r' <FILE >
  • controlled with recode(1): recode MSDOS..latin1 FILE
  • controlled with dos2unix(1): dos2unix FILE

See also


  • DEBUG trap